Work Quotes About Life
"Decide exactly what you want in life and then do the same things that others have done to achieve the same results.""Take the long view. Don't let short-term setbacks disturb you."
"Practice single-handling with every task; once you start, stay with the job until it's complete."
"See yourself as the president of your own personal sales corporation. Introduce a total quality program for everything you do."
"Set priorities on your time and always concentrate on high-value tasks."
"Make a list of all the reasons you want to be a major success in your field; reasons are the fuel in the furnace of achievement."
"Discipline yourself to spend more time with those people who represent the highest potential payoff."
"Discipline yourself to plan and organize every hour of every day before you begin."
"Get serious about your career; decide today to be a big success in everything you do."
"Be open to constructive criticism from others; it's the only way you can learn and grow."
"You determine your future by the thoughts and pictures you hold in your mind today."
"Be upbeat, optimistic and encouraging in all your interactions with others. Remember, everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load."
"Accept complete responsibility for everything you are and everything you ever will be. Because you are responsible."
"Keep your mind positive at all times. Interpret things to your self in a positive way."
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